11 March 2013

Wei?! Ni Hao!

Looking for a landline reminded me to write something about online shopping in China. It's crazy. And fun!

I look up www.taobao.com, type 电话 (dianhua or telephone) and the adventure begins...

Almost 900,000 different kinds of phones and online phone shops pop up. Simple phones, funky phones, classic phones, Hello Kitty phones, you name it, they have it. And incredibly cheap most of it. This is where you realize again what "Made in China" means. 

So I browse and click, and google translate helps me to read what other people said about this product and what kind of rating the store got. I have a good laugh at some more crazy models.. 

When I decide against the €2 Coca Cola phone, and find a integer looking model from Siemens, I fill out my details, pay online, and close the browser. Delivery service is usually only €0.60 within Shanghai. 

Now I just have to sit back and wait for the next morning. It almost never takes more than one night for the courier to arrive, his scooter packed with parcels. He is always in a hurry, makes you sign and runs off to the next address. 

In this particular case, I unwrapped the phone, put the pieces together, and to my surprise, it has everything, except for the brandname. Siemens is nowhere to be found. Haha! 

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