12 March 2013

Spring suspended

Last week was fabulous...

- The local doctor took his desk and stethoscope outside and saw his patients on the sidewalk
- In the office, my colleagues took off their coats for the first time since November.
- I took all the blankets and winter coats and put them away. I unplugged all the heaters. Opened all the windows. Made shorts from my old jeans. Rearranged the balcony.

Saturday evening I took a train to Yangzhou. It was 31°.

Sunday evening I took a train back to Shanghai. It was .

- I brought out the blankets again and went to bed shivering with pyjamas on.
- In the office, everyone was wearing their winter coats again, we drank warm water and the heater full blast on.
- And the doctor? Well...

Maybe when Spring decides to show it's face again. Next week perhaps?

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